sexta-feira, 15 de junho de 2007

Deixados para trás!...

Gaspar - Golden Retriever com 7 anos de idade abandonado por donos que decidiram mudar de casa, mas que o excluíram... Está prestes a ser deixado à sua sorte...

Pormenores: Felinus


Urgente: Cadela Rottweiler para adopção, adulta e muito meiga, corre risco de abate...
Pormenores: Felinus

sábado, 9 de junho de 2007

Peço desculpa por o texto não estar em Português...

...Mas é realmente significativo...
..."Coca-Cola’s senior vice president and chief innovation and technology officer, Danny Strickland, wrote the following to PETA on May 22, 2007:

“I want to assure you that The Coca-Cola Company does not conduct animal tests and does not directly fund animal tests on its beverages. … We are sending letters to our partners and research organizations who may conduct safety evaluations on … ingredients insisting they use alternatives to animal testing, when such testing is both available and accepted by governments. We encourage the use of alternative testing methods whenever and wherever possible and financially support research to develop these alternative methods.”

Strickland also wrote to PETA concerning a deadly physiology test on sour taste reception in rats that we learned Coca-Cola was funding:

“Recently senior management became aware that research involving rats was being conducted as part of a grant we had funded at Virginia Commonwealth University to study taste reception. We have contacted the University and have discontinued our funding.”

Coca-Cola’s commitment not to fund tests on animals and its instructions to ingredient suppliers to “use alternatives to animal testing” are a sign of hope for the millions of animals who are forced to endure cruel and needless experiments every year in barren laboratory cages. "...
Fonte: PETA